Welcome to ASL DRO’s documentation


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ASL DRO is software that can generate digital reference objects for Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) MRI. It creates synthetic raw ASL data according to set acquisition and data format parameters, based on input ground truth maps for:

  • Perfusion rate

  • Transit time

  • Intrinsic MRI parameters: M0, T1, T2, T2*

  • Tissue segmentation (defined as a single tissue type per voxel)

Synthetic data is generated in Brain Imaging Data Structure format, comprising of a NIFTI image file and accompanying json sidecar containing parameters.

ASLDRO was developed to address the need to test ASL image processing pipelines with data that has a known ground truth. A strong emphasis has been placed on ensuring traceability of the developed code, in particular with respect to testing. The DRO pipelines uses a ‘pipe and filter’ architecture with ‘filters’ performing data processing, which provides a common interface between processing blocks.

How To Cite

If you use ASLDRO in your work, please include the following citation


Aaron Oliver-Taylor, Thomas Hampshire, Nadia A. S. Smith, Michael Stritt, Jan Petr, Johannes Gregori, Matthias Günther, Henk J. Mutsaerts, and Xavier Golay. ASLDRO: Digital reference object software for Arterial Spin Labelling. In Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29, number 2731. 2021. URL: https://submissions2.mirasmart.com/ISMRM2021/ViewSubmission.aspx?sbmID=1108&validate=false.

How To Contribute

Got a great idea for something to implement in ASLDRO, or maybe you have just found a bug? Create an issue at https://github.com/gold-standard-phantoms/asldro/issues to get in touch with the development team and we’ll take it from there.

Indices and tables