DRO Output Data

When ASLDRO’s main pipeline is run using the generate command, for example:

asldro generate --params path/to/input_params.json path/to/output_archive.zip

the resulting DRO image data is saved in the archive, in accordance with the data structure and format as specified by BIDS (https://bids.neuroimaging.io/).

ASLDRO currently supports BIDS version 1.5.0, however because of the nature of DRO data there are some small deviations and non-official fields used. Deviations are described in the section Deviations from the BIDS Standard.

Each image series defined in the input parameters will have a NIFTI image and corresponding JSON sidecar generated. For ASL image series an additional *_aslcontext.tsv is generated which indicates the type of ASL volumes in the image.

These will be saved in a subdirectory sub-<subject_label> and then in the following subdirectories:

  • ‘perf’ for series type ‘asl’

  • ‘anat’ for series type ‘structural’

  • ‘ground_truth’ for series type ‘ground_truth’

Filenames are given by sub-<subject_label>_acq-<series_number>_<modality_label>.<ext>, where:

  • <subject_label> is given by the global configuration parameter subject_label which defaults to “001”

  • <series_number> is the order the particular image series is in the "image_series" array in the input parameters file (1 indexed, zero padded to 3 digits).

  • <modality_label> is based on series type:

    determined by the input parameter asl_context. If asl_context only contains entries with 'm0scan' then it will be 'm0scan', otherwise 'asl'.


    determined by the input parameter modality, which can be “T1w” (default), “T2w”, “FLAIR”, “PDw”, “T2starw”, “inplaneT1”, “PDT2”, or “UNIT1”.


    the concatenation of ‘ground-truth’ and the name of the ‘quantity’ for the ground truth image, separated by a hyphen. Any underscores in the quantity name will be converted to hyphens.

For example, running the DRO with parameters to generate the following image series in order:

  1. asl, asl_context = "m0scan, control, label"

  2. asl, asl_context = "control, label"

  3. asl, asl_context = "m0scan"

  4. structural, modality = "FLAIR"

  5. strutural, modality = "T2w"

  6. structural, modality entry missing.

  7. ground truth

Will result in the following files output

  |-- dataset_description.json
  |-- README
  |-- .bidsignore
  |-- sub-001
      |-- perf
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-001_asl.nii.gz
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-001_asl.json
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-001_aslcontext.tsv
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-002_asl.nii.gz
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-002_asl.json
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-002_aslcontext.tsv
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-003_m0scan.nii.gz
      |-- anat
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-004_FLAIR.nii.gz
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-004_FLAIR.json
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-005_T2w.nii.gz
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-005_T2w.json
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-006_T1w.nii.gz
      |   |-- sub-001_acq-006_T1w.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_Perfmap.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_Perfmap.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_ATTmap.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_ATTmap.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T1map.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T1map.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T2map.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T2map.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T2starmap.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_T2starmap.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_M0map.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_M0map.json
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_dseg.nii.gz
          |-- sub-001_acq-007_dseg.json

ASLDRO version

ASLDRO can be run from released packages available at pypi.org, or directly from source code. When a release is created, the version number is manually created and added to the module version (i.e. setup.py), and a tag added to the git source control. However, this means that subsequent edits and commits based on a release will still have the module version as the derived release. So, there is an additional mechanism to ensure that data that are exported to BIDS are traceable to the actual git commit:

  1. If no git repository information is found (e.g. installed from pypi using pip) then the version will be the release version.

  2. If the git commit hash of the HEAD matches the most recent commit hash from the master branch then it is considered to be the release version.

  3. If the git commit hash doesn’t match the most recent commit to the master branch, or the repository is ‘dirty’ (uncommited changes) then the version will be generated using the command git describe --tags --dirty (see https://git-scm.com/docs/git-describe for more details).

    For example:

  • v2.2.0 is the parent branch (which has the tag v2.2.0)

  • 77 is the number of commits that the current branch is ahead of the parent branch.

  • gc8678e5 has two parts: the ‘g’ at the start indicates git, and the remainder is the abbreviated commit hash for the current branch.

  • dirty indicates that when the DRO was run there were uncommited changes in the repository.

This requires git to be installed on the host system and for the master branch’s git commit information to be available. If it isn’t then the version number will be the release version appended with “-unverified”, e.g. “v2.2.0-unverified”.

This version information is included in:

  • The JSON sidecars

  • dataset_description.json

Deviations from the BIDS Standard

Ground Truth Image Series

BIDS specifies that parameter maps should be saved in the ‘anat’ folder, however ground truth parameter maps generated using the ground_truth image series are saved in ‘ground_truth’ folder.

Additional suffixes have been devised for non-supported parameter maps:

  • Perfmap: Perfusion rate map.

  • ATTmap: Transit time map.

  • Lambdamap: Blood brain partition coefficient map.

The .bidsignore file has entries to ignore everything in the ground_truth folder and in addition the above non-supported suffixes.

Background Suppression

In the BIDS standard it is assumed that background suppression pulses comprise of:

  1. A saturation pulse of duration 0 occuring at the start of the labelling pulse,

    e.g. the time betweeen the saturation pulse and the imaging excitation pulse is equal to label_duration + post_label_delay.

  2. All inversion pulses occur after the start of the labelling pulse.

To allow for more possibilities for background timings, the following changes have been implemented:


(modified) Negative values are permitted. A negative value indicates that the inversion pulse occurs before the label pulse has started.


(new) The time in seconds between the saturation pulse and the imaging excitation pulse.

Multiphase ASL

Multiphase ASL data can be generated by supplying the parameter signal_time as an array. For each value in this array the volumes defined in asl_context are generated. ASL BIDS does not currently support multiphase data, so the following has been implemented:


(new) An array of integers, with one entry per volume in the ASL timeseries, indicating the index of the multiphase loop when each volume was generated.


(modified) For multiphase data this is an array of the corresponding post labelling delay times for each multiphase index. For single phase ASL (i.e. only one PLD) then this is a single number.